Australia is one of the first places to welcome 2025, and it is typical to see the fireworks in Sydney Harbour with the Bay Bridge and Opera House in the background. But it is not the first country to celebrate the New Year in the world
Which country is the first to welcome 2025?
The first of all is the Republic of Kiribati, in the Caroline Islands northeast of Australia. Specifically, it is the island of Kirimati, the first to receive Christmas Eve and the New Year, which is why it is known as “Christmas Island”. Kiribati has 33 atolls and islands with a population of 115,000. And because of its time zone, it receives 2025 16 or 20 hours before Latin Americans.
What is the last country to welcome 2025?
The last country in the world to welcome the New Year is the Howland and Barker Islands, which belong to the United States and will celebrate almost at the same time as Niue Island in New Zealand, Tahiti in French Polynesia, Pitcairn Island in the United Kingdom and Revillagigedo Island in Mexico.