“I want to relaunch the school elevator”. In an interview with AFP, the French of Education Anne Genetet explains how she intends to raise pupil achievement levels by setting up “tailor-made” needs groups in 4e and 3e before the introduction of a compulsory Brevet for passage to seconde in 2027. We summarize the main points of “Act II” of the knowledge clash, presented by the Minister on Tuesday morning.
A compulsory Brevet for the transition to seconde
From June 2027, students will be required to pass the Brevet exam in 3e in order to go on to seconde, Education Minister Anne Genetet announced to AFP. In June 2026, the breakdown between continuous assessment and final assessment will be modified so that the final assessment will carry more weight: 60% of the final mark compared with 50% today, she added.
For those who don’t obtain their brevet, there will be two options: “either they will go on to a more vocational pathway, such as the 1st year of a CAP, or they will enter a year of + prépa seconde + in order to pass the lycée in four years”, she explained.
Collège: needs groups extended
Middle school needs groups, introduced this year in the 6th and 5th grades, will be only partially extended next year to the 4th and 3rd grades, with “one hour per week, either in maths or French”, Education Minister Anne Genetet told AFP.
In 4e and 3e, needs groups will be maintained, but “in a different way because the needs are not the same”, Anne Genetet stressed. This package of measures had been announced last December by Gabriel Attalthen Minister of Education, to “raise the level” of schooling. “I have decided to double the number of students who will have access to it. This will concern 800,000 4th and 3rd grade students as of next year”, said Anne Genetet, stressing that “the aim is to offer each student tailor-made support throughout middle school”.
An early maths test in première
For students taking the bac in 2027, a math bac test will be introduced in première from June 2026, it has been announced. Since the start of the 2023 school year, an hour and a half of core math has been added for all pupils in première general and technological. “But until now, their level had not been measured because there was no math test,” she recalled. “What I want is to have a real barometer and to raise the level in mathematics”, she continued. minister. In general high schools, the test will not be the same for those who specialize in maths and those who do not.
More human resources
The expansion of level groups will require more teachers of French and mathematics. This would require the creation of a maximum of 1,500 new posts, partly through redeployment, partly through the recruitment of new teachers,” she explained, adding that “these proportions are perfectly reasonable and can be absorbed within the current budgetary constraints.
From January onwards, she also said she wanted to “deploy 150 additional principal education advisors (CPEs) and 600 additional education assistants in the collèges and lycées that need them most. Their mission will be to ensure a calm school climate conducive to learning.”