Meghan Markle has made a highly anticipated return to social media, marking a new chapter in her digital presence. The Duchess of Sussex, now 43, launched her new Instagram account with two posts this week. On New Year’s Day, she shared a joyful video of herself frolicking on the beach, followed by a Thursday post promoting her upcoming Netflix cooking show. In a significant move to prioritize her mental health, Markle has disabled the comments section on her posts, effectively shielding herself from online trolling.
According to insiders, Markle aims to “authentically share moments of joy and inspiration from her life while continuing to advocate for safer, more positive online experiences-particularly for young people and families.”
“The bulk of the bullying and the abuse that I was experiencing in social media and online was when I was pregnant – with Archie and with Lili – and with a newborn with each of them,” she shared, describing the comments as “not catty” but “cruel.”