Justine Bateman is awesome, and we’ve talked about her a lot here on Twitchy. The other day she had a great conversation with Megyn Kelly, and it was a must-see.
Lots of Lefties are mad at her reasonable approach to politics, to the point where they think she’s now merely a Right-winger.
But — in her usual style — Bateman had a perfect response:
The reason people want to put me into a political box, is so they can dismiss what I’m saying as from “that other side.”Otherwise, they’d have to listen to what I’m saying. Listen or not, it’s the truth.
— Justine Bateman (@JustineBateman) December 20, 2024
It’s much more complex than the Left cares to think, and they’re so quick to dismiss anyone who doesn’t toe the Leftist line.
This is to their own detriment, of course.
From your posts overall, I wouldn’t be able to determine how you’d vote each election
— Scottergate (@Scottergate) December 20, 2024
Right. It’s not obvious because most people have deeper political thoughts than ORANGE MAN BAD.
I miss the time when Dems and Reps actually had valid points, so that voting was a harder choice and required the voter to be knowledgeable of the issues. Now it’s just “here’s Beyonce telling you to vote for me!”
— MacSwain (@MacSwain65) December 20, 2024
It was There All Along: Senate Passes Child Cancer Research Bill The House Sent Them in March
Eric V.
It’s Beyoncé or ‘You’re a Nazi if you vote Republican!’
I don’t believe any of us belongs in a box. I’m 10 years older than you and it was NEVER like this, this toxic political atmosphere. The political class is detrimental to our collective health.
— Sheryl #rescue #loveofcountry #2A (@sav01) December 20, 2024
Correct on all points.