A square of several kilometers that seems almost perfect, “walls” of stones with straight angles … This photo of the surface of the planet Mars that circulates in social networks questions. Are we facing the ruins of an alien civilization, as the complication states?
In times that work better, it is to make sure: the photo has not been generated by AI. Very real and accessible online, this cliché comes from the Orbiter Mars camera, a gigantic camera installed aboard the Mars Observer, a satellite that observed the surface of the planet Mars between 1997 and 2006, immortalizing almost 240,000 times the red planet.
In March, the Orbitter Chamber, installed aboard the Mars Observer observer, observed the surface of Mars. – NASA
Keep in mind that if it is very real, it has been published many times on social networks, to accentuate forms, contrast or make the square more visible. In the original shooting of …