No one has forgotten the romantic comedy How to get dumped in ten lessons. On Monday evening, male and female suitors from ” L’amour est dans le pré In a sort of remake of the famous film starring Kate Hudson and Matthew McConaughey, the “L’amour est dans le pré” (Love is in the Meadow) program featured break-ups of varying degrees of severity. Yes, it’s time to make a choice on the M6and some souls found themselves alone. So, shall we stay friends?
Say it with flowers
Some of us have dumped our significant other via text message, others a simple “we’re still friends” on a college forecourt… In ” L’amour est dans le pré “Mickaël decided to say it with beautiful flowers. It’s more expensive, and possibly more elegant, but it didn’t go unnoticed by the 3.9 million viewers who tuned in to M6 on Monday evening.
This season’s dandy invited Nadia and Rozenn into his living room to announce his carefully considered preference. “When I woke up this morning, my decision was firm and I know who I want to spend my life with,” the farmer confided, facing the camera. He then handed a bouquet to each of his suitors before announcing his choice, somewhat abruptly: Nadia. He then spoke to Rozenn. The bubbly pretender understood the gentleman-farmer’s explanations, wishing her all the best with Nadia, but not without a few tears in her eyes. Yes, we’re talking about a break-up after all.
Alone on the sand, eyes in the water
If you’ve been following the paper, we’ve released, like the soundtrack to the M6 show hosted by Karine Le MarchandOur most beautiful love songs: My preference by Julien Clerc, Rien qu’une larme by Mike Brant… For Brice, saunier de Charente-Maritimewe would have preferred Alone on the sand by Roch Voisine. Rather uncomfortable talking about his feelings, the 39-year-old decided to invite Marion and Mélanie to a beach…
We had a little tête-à-tête this morning with Marion, so I’ve got a knot in my stomach… Because I had to clear it up in my head,” Brice assured Mélanie, before sinking into the waves. [à l’âme]. I feel I’ve made my choice and I find I’m a little more attracted to Marion, the feeling goes well with her”. The man from Charente went into a little too much detail about his attraction to the woman who lives in the Paris suburbs. Barcelonabut Mélanie accepted her choice, not without frustration. “Thanks for telling me, I was hoping it would be said quickly enough for me to move on,” she replied to Brice. I hope it all works out for you two, and then I’ll slip away.” It’s not certain that Mélanie will be back on the banks of the river just yet.Atlantic…
My beautiful anda-loose
At Gilles’, the gentle method is the order of the day. Early in the morning, the farmer and Isabelle met in the kitchen, to the sound ofAndalouse from Kendji Girac. When it comes to interrupting the music, let’s not talk too much! Gilles has decided to invite his suitor a little further into the farmhouse… Qu’il est loin, qu’il est loin ton chemin Gillou (Joe Dassin for the young ones).
At this point, Gilles, who always has a laugh, told Isabelle that his heart was set on… Marie. Disappointed, Isabelle, who had been the farmer’s favorite during speed dating, withdrew, not without sadness. The hay doesn’t hide the sorrow. Next Monday on M6, we’ll be back with the rest of the dumping lessons, before the long-awaited moment of taking stock, calmly, remembering every moment…